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DefDrawer 1.1 User Manual
Jul 9, 1992
The programs and files in this distribution are freely
distributable, but are also Copyright (c) Nico François. They may be
freely distributed as long as no more than a nominal fee is charged
to cover time and copying costs.
No commercial usage is permitted without written permission from
the author. Everything in this distribution must be kept together, in
original unmodified form.
The above is generally known as freeware.
Contacting the author:
Fido: 2:292/603.10 (Nico Francois)
UUCP: Nico.Francois@p10.f603.n292.z2.FidoNet.Org
Mail: Nico François
Corbielaan 13
B-3060 Bertem
If you can please use e-mail. That way you'll stand a much better
chance of getting a reply quickly.
NOTE: DefDrawer 1.1 requires Kickstart/Workbench 2.0 (or higher)
to run!
1. Introduction
Many Amiga users have hard disks nowadays. If you are one of these
lucky people I believe you will appreciate DefDrawer. Even if you
don't own a hard disk DefDrawer may be useful for you. But read on
and decide for yourself.
Have you ever been annoyed with the multitude of drawer icons on
your hard disk. Not two of them looking alike. I most certainly have.
Most programs come with their own drawer icons, and when you install
them on your hard disk you will have gained an even more versatile
drawer-look :-)
Now wouldn't it be nice to quickly and easily change these drawer
icons to look like your favorite drawer icon without losing important
data like icon position and the drawer's window bounds.
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This is exactly what DefDrawer does. It helps you to easily change
a drawer icon's image to reflect your default drawer icon's image,
without touching anything else in the icon (like the position and
window bounds). The default drawer icon is used (created by saving a
drawer icon as default with IconEdit), the same drawer icon as the
one used when you create a new drawer.
2. Usage
2.1 From CLI/Shell
Enter 'DefDrawer ?' for a CLI usage template, 'DefDrawer ??' for a
more detailed usage report:
DefDrawer [<dir[.info]>...] [DRAWERICON <icon[.info]>]
So simply pass one or more drawer names who's icons should be
changed or created to look like the default drawer icon image. There
is no need to include a '.info'.
Example: 'DefDrawer SYS:System Work:Tools.info'
The DRAWERICON keyword allows you to select a drawer icon who's
image will be used instead of the default drawer icon.
Example: 'DefDrawer Work:C DRAWERICON ENV:sys/my_drawer.info'
2.1 From Workbench
This is definately the easiest way to use DefDrawer.
To use DefDrawer single click the DefDrawer icon and then
extend-select one or more other icons (use shift click,
double-clicking the last one). DefDrawer will then proceed and
change the image of each of the drawer icons you selected. Icons that
are not drawer icons will be ignored. If you put DefDrawer in your
Workbench's menu (using ToolsDaemon or ToolsManager) and make sure it
gets arguments passed, you can easily extend-select some drawer icons
and select the menu item you added.
Thanks to the AppIcon feature of Workbench 2.0 there is an even
easier way to use DefDrawer: When you double-click DefDrawer you will
be presented with an additional icon in the Workbench window. If you
now drop some other icons on this icon these will be processed.
Couldn't be easier now, could it :-) Double-clicking the icon brings
up a requester asking you if you wish to quit DefDrawer.
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DefDrawer recognizes following tooltypes:
DRAWERICON: Enter this tooltype in DefDrawer's icon to select a
drawer icon who's image will be used to replace the
original image.
ICONXPOS : Set the AppIcon's vertical screen position.
ICONYPOS : Set the AppIcon's horizontal screen position.
ICONNAME : Set the AppIcon's name (max 64 chars).
Select DefDrawer's icon and choose 'Information' from the 'Icons'
menu. You can now edit DefDrawer's tooltypes, check your Workbench
manual for more information.
If the first icon passed to DefDrawer is a project icon DefDrawer
will examine its tooltypes as well. This way you can easily create
several icons to bring up AppIcons that create different types of
drawers. It is a good idea to use the ICONNAME tooltype in the
project icon in this case.
As always, I hope you find this program useful!
o First release.
o DefDrawer for Kickstart 1.3 dropped, sorry 1.3 users, upgrade! :)
o Three new tooltypes to set icon position and name: ICONXPOS,
o Tooltypes are now also looked for in the first selected icon passed
to DefDrawer (if this is a project icon). This allows you to set up
different icons for several different drawers.
DefDrawer 1.1 written by Nico François (Yes, Nico is my first name :-)
"Yeah you touch me just like murder" - The Black Crowes
Copyright (c) 1991/1992 Nico François
Thanks to \X/ Amiga for being the best computer ever!
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Table Of Contents
DefDrawer 1.1
PREFACE......................................................... 1
1. Introduction................................................. 1
2. Usage........................................................ 2
2.1 From CLI/Shell........................................... 2
2.1 From Workbench........................................... 2
PROGRAM HISTORY................................................. 3